Well, on another note, it has been ONE rough week for Danielle...last week, we studied ALL week for her first BIG Social Studies test!!! Her test was on Friday (the same day as Kaleb's surgery)...Well, I went to pick her up from school on Monday and right away, I could tell that something was wrong...she opened the back of the car and said, "I'm NOT having a good day at all". She gets in the front seat and starts bawling that she got a "75" on her big test and to top it off...she didn't make Student Councel...that no one voted for her....Bless her heart, no one real
ly knows her yet, she's going to the Magnet sc
hool and all of her friends went to the other Middle School....so she was pissed...LOL. So we get home and start doing homework and she's getting ready to practice her instruments for Band and forgot her band book. Then, I'm talking to Bill and she comes out bawling again saying that her hermit crab died and that Nemo hasn't moved at all....but hopefully I looked up on the internet about hermit crabs and molting, so hopefully that is what it is doing....because so far, it doesn't stink...LOL!!!! But good news is that Danielle got her first progress report and had all "A's"....Woohoo!!!!! Plus for her fundraiser for school....she sold $225.00....Great job Danielle!!!!
Here's a recent photo of the kids actually getting along and playing together...doesn't happen too often...don't ask what they are wearing....its 90 degrees outside and both of my kids have their scarfs, hats on to play outside....Kids being kids...love it!!!!
Have a wonderful day!!!!
I am so happy that it went well. :)
Glad to see Kaleb is doing so well. Tell Daneille Ashley didn't make Student Council either.No one from her school was elected in her group.So she was in the same sort of situation.Not enough kids to vote her in that knew her well. She did get lots of votes but when the other kids are from so many other schools it didn't matter. Tell her to do like Ashley plans to do,try again next year.By then everyone will know her.
There are clubs that do as much as council. Ashley is enjoying Beta and wants to see about Jr civitans.Daneille might look into other clubs as well.
Lots of hugs Danielle!!Kisses to Kaleb!!
Kaleb is one strong boy there!glad to hear he is doing well! Poor Danille just was not her day!!tell her not to give up there is always next year!!chin up girly!
So glad to hear that Kaleb is doing well! It has been a LONG ROAD with this injury!!! And please give Danielle hugs from me... what a week!
2x's in a week and i am back to tell you you've been tagged check out my blog for da details :)
TAG, GIRLIE!!! Check out my blog for the details...
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